Chris Hodapp

Author's details

Name: Chris Hodapp
Date registered: 28 March 2019

Latest posts

  1. President’s Message January 2023 — 12 January 2023
  2. GL of Nebraska Issues Disaster Relief Appeal — 21 March 2019

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President’s Message January 2023


Greetings Members of The Masonic Society,


John Ruskin wrote the following in his 1849 book The Seven Lamps of Architecture:

“When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight nor for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for; and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and that men will say, as they look upon the labor and wrought substance of them, “See! This our father did for us.””


Ruskin illustrates how the right words can motivate, inspire, and even change lives.  This is especially important as we have entered a new year with the experience of the past still fresh on our minds.  


There is no question that this past year has presented a great number of challenges as well as highlights.  The Masonic Society, while not being immune from these experiences, remains resolute and resilient.  We are focused on our commitment to deliver quality to our members.


As such, here are several important updates:


New Secretary

Brother Shamus Driver PhD has been elected as the new Secretary in November. Brother Driver is a senior scientist for a scientific instrument company.  A United States Navy veteran, he is also a very active Freemason. He travels for work, affording him many opportunities to learn and work with Masonic Brethren around the country. Teaching and learning are his passion, and since being raised, he has given Masonic Education lectures and presentations around his home state of Indiana and around the country.   He has taken the goal of modernizing our membership and communication systems to task.  Under his watch, you will experience improved communications and completed administrative functions (i.e: membership patents, orders and answered emails).


Double Journal Issue

Recovering from the financial impacts of the pandemic is a shared reality for all of us.  At the start of 2022, I underscored that looking forward, we were going to think and act strategically.  The Board made the recent fiscal and operational decision to delay the printing of our winter 2022 journal. Instead, we will provide a double issue No 59 in the spring of 2023.   Rest assured you will be getting our flagship Journal in your hands, so while you wait, we hope you prepare to digest twice the educational content with moderation!


New Renewal Model

The Board has also evaluated our current membership renewal structure for optimization.  Be on the lookout for a notice informing you of our transition to a calendar membership renewal model instead of a rolling membership model.  The details will be explained in our new invoices while ensuring that those who have recently renewed will be provided flexible options.  


Leadership Update

We have some leadership changes to report.   My dear Brother Greg Knott announced his resignation as our 1st Vice President and while    it was an unfortunate loss, I emphatically thank Brother Knott for his service and time in leadership on the Board. The Board has elected Brother Mark Robbins as the 1st Vice President and Brother Mason Russell as our 2nd Vice President of the Board.


Masonic Week 2023

We look forward to seeing you in Alexandria, Virginia at our Annual Masonic Society Dinner on Friday, February 10th, 2023.  Our guest speaker will be Brother Robert Dupel who is the Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of Canada as well as the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Quebec.  The title of his talk is “It’s About Me” which promises to be a refreshing approach to a tantalizing subject.    


We say that The Masonic Society is a research society whose goal is not just to look backward at the history of Freemasonry, but to foster the intellectual, spiritual, and social growth of the modern Masonic fraternity.   A modern Masonic fraternity that has recently suffered the loss of great mentors in research and education such as Brothers Rex Hutchens and Alain Bernheim.  With that in mind as we write their names on history’s page, let us all remember that “when we build, let us think that we build forever.”


Fraternally and Sincerely, 


Brother Oscar Alleyne, FMS

President, The Masonic Society

GL of Nebraska Issues Disaster Relief Appeal

The Grand Lodge of Nebraska AF&AM has issued a disaster appeal for Masons and their families across the state. The following message was posted yesterday:

Nebraska has experienced historic flooding in the eastern part of the state and devastating blizzards in central and western Nebraska, with major loss of farm and ranching assets and income in the month of March 2019. Many of our Nebraska Masonic family members have no doubt been affected by these catastrophic events and will need assistance to get back on their feet. Here’s how you can help.


The Nebraska Masonic Relief Fund is collecting monetary donations that will be dispersed to Masonic family members affected by the floods and storms through an application process. If the donations exceed the needs of our Masonic family, the funds will be donated to other flood and storm relief efforts. Those interested in making a financial donation to support relief efforts can do so by clicking the Donate button below.

Donations can also be mailed to Grand Lodge of Nebraska, 301 N Cotner Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68505. Checks should be made payable to Grand Lodge Relief Fund, with flood/storm relief in the memo field.

Thank you so much for your support of this relief effort.

There is a direct Paypal link on their website to make donations online. CLICK HERE.

According to a report at noon today, the floods have affected 80% of the state of Nebraska, and the statewide estimates of damage exceed $1.3 billion so far. At this time, 89 cities and 77 77 counties have made emergency declarations. Many other parts of the Midwest, including South Dakota and Iowa, have also been affected by the disaster.

These types of fraternity-wide disaster appeals normally go through the MSA to take advantage of their international network and tax deductibility, but they haven’t taken that step just yet. As of Tuesday night, the Grand Lodge of Nebraska had not yet determined that there was enough damage and need within the Masonic family to request assistance from outside of the state. However, the floodwaters keep rising across Nebraska today, and the GS office continues to receive new reports.

They will determine by Friday whether or not a full-throated MSA appeal is required.

H/T to Thomas L. Hauder, PGM