Forum Prerequisites

This forum is the property of The Masonic Society, Inc. and participation is predicated upon current, paid membership in the The Masonic Society.

Dignity and decorum is required of all posts. Moderators reserve the right to remove objectionable postings. All members must provide assurances to Administrator that they are Master Masons in good standing with a regular Lodge in amity with a member grand lodge of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. All forum members must identify themselves in their registration by full name, lodge affiliation and location – no anonymous postings will be allowed.

Topics that are Masonically reserved for a tyled meeting are prohibited. Avoid discussions of a political or sectarian, preferentially religious nature. Keep a civil tone. Do not post hostile messages, flames, or use sarcasm to incite negative emotions. Behave in this forum as if you are in Lodge. Respect the fact that not all forum members share the same social, political, religious, or Masonic viewpoints.

Even in non-Masonic topic areas, postings should be in the spirit of Freemasonry, and be of interest to the general Forum. Use common sense and avoid distasteful or disturbing posts and language. Again, behave as you would in lodge. Violators are subject to removal from the forum, as are members with lapsed dues. And please avoid SHOUTING on the forum.

Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The Masonic Society, Inc. is not responsible for links posted to external websites, nor does it expressly or implicitly sponsor, support or condone sites linked to the forum by its members or administrators.

The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this forum or of The Masonic Society, Inc., unless so stated. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

Please note carefully:

  • Forum accounts are created only for full members of The Masonic Society. Apply here
  • Journal Subscription-only accounts do not have access to the Forum.
  • If paying for your membership by check or money order by regular postal mail, please be sure to fill out the application form completely before sending it in, and be aware that you will not receive a forum account until your payment is received.
  • AS OF 29 DEC 2015, we no longer allow automatic forum registration. Administrators will create a forum account for you if you request one when you apply for membership (or later; the acknowledgement email you will receive will contain information on how to request it). The forum account thus created will have a generic login ID which you can change after your initial login.

Qualifying Non-Members Click Here to Join The Masonic Society